Web Crawler Spider Documentation

Getting Started


Thanks for purchasing our Web Crawler Spider :)

It is our great pleasure that you purchased our scraping tools.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@designcollection.in.


  • Easy sign-in and sign-up
  • Password recovery via email
  • Scrape data from "Google.com"
  • Scrape data from "Map.google.com"
  • Scrape data based on Keywords
  • Scrape email Id's, contact no. , website url and more.
  • Filtered data received
  • Download data in CSV File Formate
  • Scraped data may be up to 80% accurate.

Change Log

  • Added Google Search Engine
  • Added Document Scraper
  • Added New Dashboard UI
  • Added Website Scraping
  • Added Google Map Extractor
  • Redesign Dashboard
  • Initial Release


Exe File

  • You will have received the web_crawler_spider.exe file
  • You should have received a file named 'web_crawler_spider.exe', compatible with various operating systems like macOS, Linux, or Windows. To start, simply click on the 'web_crawler_spider.exe' file on your laptop to open it.

  • After clicking 'Run Anyway', a new screen will appear. It will look something like this.

  • Authentication

    01. Sign up

    To Sign up, you'll need to tpye your full name, email address, create a password, and then confirm that password

    02. Sign in

    Your next step is to complete the sign-in process.


    Google Search Scraper

    Google Search Scraper is a specific type of web scraping tool designed to scrape information from Google's search results pages. This tool simulates a user making queries to Google's search engine and then collects data from the displayed search results.

    You can scrape data by searching keywords on Google.com in which you will see website name, email ID, contact no. and more.

    To learn more, you can watch the accompanying video.

    Google Map Scraper

    The Google Map Scraper is to gather information available on Google Maps. This could include details about business listings, such as names, addresses, contact no. , ratings, reviews, and more.

    You can scrape data by searching keywords on map.google.com in which you will see website name, email ID, contact no. and more.

    To learn more, you can watch the accompanying video.


    In the profile section, a user has the ability to edit their details such as country, city, company, and contact no. . However, it's important to note that fields like full name, email ID, and purchase code will be in a disabled mode, meaning they cannot be edited. Once you purchase tools, your status will be updated to 'activated.'


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@designcollection.in.